
Isabel Lee

Occupational Therapist

Isabel Lee

Isabel Lee is an Occupational Therapist who has been with OC for over five years. After graduating with a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy she has since filled her passion for learning with post graduate studies in Occupational Health and Safety and Driving Assessing.

Isabel has conducted research into the functional implications of burns and has presented this at a national level through the Occupational Therapy Australia conference.

She thoroughly enjoys working with a variety of insurers and employers from a diverse range of industries. In addition to her clinical caseload, Isabel supports the graduate OT’s at OC transition into their new clinical role through their final year of university and first year as a graduate.
Isabel doesn’t shy away from a road trip or flight to visit regional and rural clients which is where she often feels back at home after growing up in a country town. Out of hours, you might find Isabel walking her Beaglier puppy or supporting the Brisbane Lions at a home game.